
We believe everyone is born with the ability to be an artist, and in many ways are meant to create. Many feel there are people in this world that are born with "creative talent", and some that are not. But we know this is just not true! If you hold the desire or inclination to create, then this means you have the capacity to be an artist.

Many people receive harsh and negative critisism about their creative spirits from childhood and throughout life, causing them to make the choice "I am not talented or creative", and that creative spirit buries itself in shame.

We are here to tell you "yes, you were born to be an artist!"

We welcome you to join us to unleash your creative spirit! Our services are designed to nurture your imagination, build your community and connect with other creative thinkers, and rediscover your creativity.

Hi! 👋
I'm Liz...

...and I am the Founder, Director and Art Therapist of Creative Clairity.

I am an artist, therapist, teacher, entrepreneur, and content creator
with a lifelong love for creative expression.

I have been creating art as early as 3 years old.
Dance, story writing, painting, sketching, journalling. Creation has always
served as my escape to get in touch with my inner world.

One of my biggest achievements as an artist is my
time representing Australia at the 2012 London Olympics, where I collaborated
with other artists and dancers to celebrate and promote the Olympics. This was
an incredible time in my career, jetting off across the world at 17 years old
alone, where I learnt so much about myself as an artist and fell deeper into my

The passion I have for art and its power to heal is the
driving force of my business Creative Clairity. I believe art is the remedy to
life’s highs and lows. A tool we can all use to navigate life’s complexities,
and holds the key to us living our most abundant life in spite of life’s

Join me to rediscover your creative spirit, and
begin living your life authentically and unapologetically. You deserve more
than just to survive each day. Allow yourself to thrive and truly LIVE your

Allow the stress and confusion of the world to wash
away as you create your magical masterpieces, and begin to see your inner world
come to lif

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  • "Thank you for creating this workbook.  I have thoroughly enjoyed
    undertaking the exercises which have taken me on a journey of
    understanding, self reflection and relaxation.  I am now continuing this
    journey to explore art and reap its therapeutic benefits.  Thank you
    again.  And, please let me know when your next workshop is available - I
    would very much like to continue this journey with you.  Best wishes" - Dawn HJ.

  • "Thank you for doing this (email oracle reading). It's pretty accurate, a bit hard to read in one go, had to collect myself a few times its a bit confronting but am taking on board what you've written. It's pretty accurate and has bought a few buried feelings to the surface but has made me realise I've pushed a lot of things down and to the side to protect my soul from pain. Thank you for doing this for me" - Anonymous